Umbra 60 Coating System

The Umbra 60 Coating System features some of Shyre’s signature expert design and delivery processes. Featuring our in-house proprietary photochromic coating manufacturing, this full enclosed operational system delivers industry leading results.
SF-30 SSC – Solvent Cleaning System

Solvent retention features unique to the Shyre range: triple coil reflux cooling, vapour break, 150% freeboard, (with optional auto top-up and solvent monitoring on the larger systems) – ensure that systems are safe and comply fully with environmental and safety legislation. These design features also mean that Shyre systems can operate with low, predictable solvent […]
PC200 – Aqueous Cleaning System

Automated solutions with precision results, the PC200 provides a range of production options and adaptive for a number of configurations on request. Application: Precision Clean Configuration Processing prior to AR coating, precision/delicate optical cleaning.